Sunday, April 21, 2013

Final entries-Maggie Stroop

The last entries for Maggie are from two of her grandchildren, Bobbie Ann and Willard. 

I find it interesting that I have only had one comment by a family member. Even if you don't have a memory to add to people's pages, please comment here on the posting page as to whether or not you have enjoyed these pages. I would appreciate it.

The next pages I will do are for the children of Hayes and Maggie.

Monday, April 15, 2013

New entries-Maggie Stroop

Just added memories from Hayes, Violet, Bertie and Doris for Maggie. Doris is my mother and it is so wonderful to learn new things about her...I didn't know she loved onion sandwiches and Limburger cheese sandwiches!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

First entries-Maggie Stroop

Today I added entries from Clyde, Hester and Ethel for Maggie. It is so wonderful to read these memories of Hayes and Maggie! I was so young when I was around them that I don't remember a whole lot so these memories give me more of a sense of who they were. I am going to transcribe Pap-Pap's 1914 eight-page letter to Tainaw from Panama and add it to his page, sometime in the near future.